The ReStory Blog

Permission to Feel Conflicted: 4 Ways to Honor the Need to Connect Part 3
Rather than telling you to FaceTime your friends and family or to spend yet another hour on Zoom, I want to share with you other ways to access connection that are accessible wherever you are. Additionally, your need for connection doesn’t solely have to be met through interacting with others (see the previous article about the need to protect). While human connection is deeply meaningful and necessary, you can also access connection through God, Creation, and strangely enough, with yourself. Check out these ideas

The Campaign for Being Needy: 4 Ways to Find True Relationship
All nine months of 2020 thus far have put our sanity and hearts to the test in untenable and unprecedented ways. Isolation, loneliness, depression, loss and crisis are woven into the fabric of our days with a bigger presence than we know how to wrap our minds around. If there has ever been a time where we have needed each other more, we don’t know of it.
Grievously, finding comfort, connection, and the kind of intimacy that heals doesn’t always feel easy on a good day, never mind during global upheaval.
We live in an individualistic American culture that has weaponized and vilified the state of being in great need, the idea of being needy. Certainly, against own ourselves and also at times judgmentally towards each other.

Growing Older with Wisdom and Awareness: 4 Questions Women Can Ask Themselves
It is not a myth, but my personal perspective that as we age the days, months, years, and season do increasein speed. The number of years of my life have never distressed me but in my yesteryears there were disruptions that left scars on my identity and seasons where few were the choices I was given. The journey of reflecting on yesterday and how it continues to cast a shadow into the present is a path worth surveying. I’ve moved into the golden years, and as I consider the chapters of my life, I’m left contemplating what has been uncovered in my heart, mind, and soul.

2 Great Tips on How to Break the Cycle of Hurting Each Other
You’ve had the experience, right? The one where as soon as the words slip out of your mouth you wish you could somehow reverse the flow of speech. As soon as those words are out there, you know your partner is going to hurt. You didn’t get into this conversation because you wanted to hurt them, but here you are.