Next Cohort: January 27 - April 28, 2025
Applications Now Closed (accepting for the Fall, 2025 cohort)
At the ReStory Institute, you don’t just learn about Storywork.
We train you how to do it .
Does this sound like you?
You are a therapist, but have been curious to learn more about engaging story.
You've done some of your own Storywork and have always wondered if you could help others explore their stories.
You are looking for a theologically grounded, Christian-informed approach to healing trauma.
You’ve received training, but not much practice, and need feedback and help to improve.
You have the theory, but lack the practicals. How do you actually conduct a session with a client? What is the process or Storywork arc you should follow?
The ReStory Institute
Level One
A unique 13-week/30+hour virtual training in Storywork with video teaching, curated reading and coursework, live weekly group discussion with Storywork experts, supervised triadic practice, modeled storywork sessions, personal story engagement, direct feedback, and more.
The ReStory Institute is designed for people who want to step beyond theory into practice.
As part of the ReStory Institute Level One Cohort, we train you in the art and the science of Storywork, teaching you the ReStory® framework, sharpening your skills as a practitioner. As you participate in the laboratory of supervised triadic work within the context and teaching of the ReStory® framework, you not only learn about how to sit with people, you get to practice it.
So, whether this is your first entrance into the sacred space of one-on-one work, or you are a practiced clinician looking for Storywork training, the ReStory Institute will help you hone your praxis while guiding you in and through your own narratives.
Teaching. Processing. Practice. Feedback.
Training like no other.
13-weeks of teaching videos and curated reading assignments processed together in weekly live 1.5-hour virtual groups facilitated by ReStory Counselors.
Six 1-hour virtual triads supervised by ReStory Counselors, offering practice, feedback, and personal story engagement.
A total of 24 hours of instruction and 6 hours of practice and feedback, reflected on a Certificate of Completion.
Eight modeled storywork sessions by ReStory experts
Certified ReStory Practitioners have the option of applying to work with us as a Storywork Coach, joining ReStory Institute Level Two, and/or joining group supervision.
ReStory® Institute Curriculum: Level One
Welcome to the ReStory Institute! Get to know the other members of this cohort, and receive an overview of the ReStory® Framework.
Exploring what makes the ReStory Framework unique in the world of healing through the integration of past, present and future. What is “story,” and how does it shape us, our brains, and our experience of the world? What does it mean to “restory,” and how do we begin the work of taking ownership and agency over our narratives?
Exploring the theological context for ReStory through the lens of the original creation of God’s image in humanity. Exploring the design of God for human-human and human-God connection, and how our family of origin creates the atmosphere in which our relational selves (and therefore all other parts of us) are shaped.
Exploring the role of the story listener and how to enter the places of shame and contempt with restorative kindness for ourselves and others. How tragedy becomes soul-shaping trauma.
From our earliest years, we learn how to manage and mitigate our aloneness. We are designed for withness, for connection, and the context of our earliest interactions trains our minds how to find safety and connection in the context of relationships. Finding the intersection of theology and psychology, we learn how God created us for deep togetherness, and how the gospel is actually a Gospel of Withness.
What does it look like to name the harm that has been done, both in the trauma moments and in the attachment shaping? How is addiction a form of attachment/detachment? And what does it look like to bless the surviving child rather than continue to collude with evil’s intent to steal, kill and destroy? Learn about ReStory’s theory around tragedy, trauma, and the power of kindness.
In the process of sitting with others, learn how to navigate the “in-between” space of caregiver and care-receiver.
The most important resource the counselor brings to the client is his/her own self and story. If “withness” is truly the single most healing factor in counseling relationships, then the counselor must be aware of what they themselves bring to the counseling space. This dynamism, this interpersonal interaction, should be focused on the healing of the client, but often gets intermingled with the stories of the counselor.
As we engage with stories of harm, we must have a keen sense of the presence of evil. Darkness wants nothing more than to steal, kill and destroy that which represents or reflects the face of God. The invitation to collude with evil’s intent against a person is powerful. Without being aware of the space between us, and the interpersonal nature of the counseling relationship, we can easily fall into the trap of re-enacting the trauma and reinforcing evil’s desires to diminish, shame and harm the individual.
Engaging story is more than a formula. It involves tuning into the particularities of what the client is offering and following their lead, both in the words they say and in the presentation they offer. It is the artful and playful engagement of the stories at work, bringing them back to the possibility of risk that leads to ReStorying through blessing rather than cursing, through kindness rather than contempt, and a gospel interpretation rather than one based in evil.
Deeper understanding of how our brains grow, develop and operate helps us work with ourselves and our clients. Drawing from Interpersonal Neurobiology and an exploration of the various levels of integration helps us bring these integrative levels into view, and how making meaning through story changes the brain.
Learn the practical process of journeying with a client through the Storywork Arc, a session-by-session pathway to walk in and through a person’s story to bring greater awareness, curiosity, and kindness to their narrative. This unique arc provides the practitioner a clear pathway to the sacred work of story.
Imagine getting to practice with feedback while also receiving care in your own story?
Six triads supervised by a ReStory Counselor or Storywork Coach means you get actual practice and feedback navigating the nuances of story with another person. Additionally, your own story is engaged, helping you explore and discover your own narrative.
Meet Your Facilitators
Chris Bruno, LPC
Clinical Director
Tracy Johnson
Storywork Supervisor
Lisa Russell
Storywork Coach
Alex Murphy
Licensed Professional Counselor
What past participants are saying…
ReStory® Institute - $1975
Current Cohort: January 27 - April 28, 2025
(Reading Week - March 17th)
2025 Winter Cohort: January 27 - April 28 10:30am - 12pm MST on Mondays (No class/ Reading week - March 17)
Includes all teaching, coursework, group discussion, triad supervision with individual story engagement, and feedback. Receive a Certificate of Completion in April.
Does not include required books.
We do not. Many of our participants are in ministry and as such, we strive to make it accessible and affordable. In fact, it is less than half comparable Storywork trainings. We do offer payment plans and are happy to discuss something that would work for you.
On-demand course material includes 13 modules of video teaching (~20 minutes each) by ReStory Founder Chris Bruno, along with a coursework of assignments of curated readings, videos, and additional resources.
Live virtual gatherings on Mondays, 10:30-12:00 MST. 45 minutes all together to process that week’s topic with Chris followed by 45 minutes of break-out rooms.
Four optional "office hours" with Chris Bruno.
Six 1-hour virtual sessions with your triad and supervisor (a ReStory Counselor) where you practice Storywork with one another AND receive live feedback and 1-1 training. Additionally, your supervisor engages your own written story with personalized care.
A Certificate of Completion reflective of 30 hours.
You will be in a triad with a ReStory Counselor or Storywork Coach serving as supervisor. This is a unique opportunity to both receive care for your personal narrative while “practicing” Storywork and receiving feedback. You will write and share a story that has been read and engaged by your supervisor and have opportunity to observe, receive, and send two times.
We strongly urge you to consider your schedule prior to making this commitment. We keep the numbers small to create a safe and connected cohort. That being said, the Monday sessions will be recorded and made available in the online portal where your course content resides for the times when life prevents you from attending live.
The triads will determine their own schedule and attendance to all sessions are mandatory.
If you’ve found your way to this question, you’re probably feeling that you could use a different framework. You know better than anyone, not all modalities are the same. In the ReStory Institute, you’ll hear more about our unique approach to the human heart, our theology behind Storywork, and our focus on a posture of presence. If you’ve been looking for training on Storywork or hungry for practice, feedback, and some practicals, this is for you.
You’re probably here, curious and full of desire, to engage the people in your life differently. Perhaps you’re a ministry leader, lay counselor, mentor? You know there’s so much more available to people (and maybe you’ve personally experienced it) and you are hungry to learn. This is for you.
Yes! Learn more about what you’ll experience in Level Two here.
Unfortunately, once we are all a “yes” we work hard to place you in a triad that involves arranging three other people’s calendars. Unless we have a waitlist, we are unable to offer a refund if you have to back out last minute. We can offer participation in the next cohort if extenuating circumstances arise.