Take your marriage from coasting along to charting a course

For couples who feel like something is missing in their marriage, we created Thrive.

What is the real story of your marriage?

We’ll help guide your marriage past disappointment and frustration toward a satisfying and life-giving new journey

The Thrive Toolbox

Connecting Storywork

Discover how your past is affecting your present through Storywork. This counseling approach helps you track how your stories have impacted the way you engage with the world so you can build the skills needed to work through difficult situations and deepen your connection to one another.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Participate in a proven series of online teachings, thoughtful worksheets, and curated experiences designed to guide you and your spouse through a monthly theme. Dive deep into relevant marriage issues and learn to navigate them well.

Expert Guides

Learn from seasoned guides Chris Bruno and Tracy Johnson, who developed Thrive based on years of experience as marriage and Storywork counselors. You’ll also receive additional monthly content from some of the nation’s leading relationship experts

Sharing Community

In addition to the Thrive Roadmap curriculum, join a community of couples working toward the same goal and moving through​ ​the program at the same pace as you are. Engage with this​ ​built-in support system of group sessions, husband-only and​ ​wife-only conversations, and even an in-person event, all led by​ ​Chris and Tracy.​

Monthly Counseling

In addition to the Thrive Community, receive monthly​ ​counseling sessions with Chris or Tracy. These sessions will​ ​provide you with a deeper understanding of your relationship,​ ​lay out a tailor-made counseling journey, and provide space​ ​for healing as individuals and as a couple​.​

Choose your plan

Every couple is different and has different needs on the journey toward a great marriage. Explore our 3 offerings and determine which level of support works best for you and your spouse.


On Demand & Self-Paced “Course”



✔️12 recorded teaching modules

✔️12 curated date guides

✔️12 expert interviews


12-Month Cohort (April 7, 2024)

$149/ month for 12 months


✔️12 recorded teaching modules

✔️12 curated date guides

✔️12 expert interviews

✔️2 live monthly virtual gatherings (first Sundays at 7pm MST and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm MST)

✔️immediate access to 3 mini-courses

✔️weekly video tips

✔️weekly conversation prompts

✔️eligibility for our ReStory Marriage Intensive. Limited to 6 couples.


12-Month Cohort + Counseling



✔️12 recorded teaching modules

✔️12 curated date guides

✔️12 expert interviews

✔️2 live monthly virtual gatherings (first Sundays at 7pm MST and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm MST)

✔️immediate access to 3 mini-courses

✔️weekly video tips

✔️weekly conversation prompts

✔️12 monthly 60-minute marriage counseling sessions with Chris or Tracy (valued at $1800)

✔️ReStory Marriage Intensive (valued at $4000). October 6-10, 2024. Limited to 6 couples.

Is Thrive Worth It?

Has your marriage entered teammate territory? Do you feel a strong sense of duty, but not a lot of desire? Are you wondering how to get out of that rut?

Hear from couples with stories like yours and how Thrive helped them.

Is Your Marriage Thriving?

Not sure if Thrive is right for you? That's OK! Our Marriage Assessment can still give you a quick picture of your marriage and offer a few tips to help it grow!