Strong Like Water | Guided Journey:
Growth group for women

What: Join us to enjoy connection and personal growth as we walk through Aundi Kolber’s Strong Like Water | Guided Journey.

Who: Women


IN-PERSON: Fridays | 12 - 1pm | 5 weeks | Jan 10 - Feb 7

VIRTUAL: Wednesdays | 12 - 1pm | 5 Weeks | Jan 15 - Feb 12

Where: In-person group meets at ReStory Counseling

155 W. Harvard St, Suite 401
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Cost: Pay What You Can (Value: $300 | Suggested Payment: $50)

Materials: Please purchase your own guided journal. You can get it for $11.99 on Amazon here.

Commitment: Five weeks of one-hour group meetings and around one hour of outside reading, reflection, and journaling per week.

About the Material

This Guided Journey is based on the book Strong Like Water by trauma-informed therapist Aundi Kolber. The Strong Like Water Guided Journey is a five-session workbook that will help you reframe your idea of strength and introduce you to a strength that is both soft and bold; fierce and gentle. Through group discussion, practices, and resources, this group is designed to lead to more freedom, safety, connection, and flourishing. Whether you've read Strong Like Water or not*, the content in these pages is designed to help you engage with and explore your inner world, emotions, and hopes for the future.

*Reading the Strong Like Water book is not required for this group.

Meet the Facilitators

Lisa Russell, Ashley Ward, and Sherae Mulligan team together to facilitate the in person group and Ashley and Sherae are facilitating the virtual one.

Strong Like Water | Guided Journey
Growth Group

IN-PERSON: Fridays | 12 - 1pm | 5 weeks | Jan 10 - Feb 7

VIRTUAL: Wednesdays | 12 - 1pm | 5 Weeks | Jan 15 - Feb 12

Please complete the sign-up form. We will be in touch with you to answer any questions you have.