The ReStory Blog

I was a basketball addict when I was younger. I spent my free time in our driveway dribbling, shooting, and imagining all sorts of last second scenarios that resulted in me making some improbable game winning shot. Each summer I counted down the days to the Shooter’s Touch Basketball Camp where we’d receive instruction from awesome coaches and spend five days doing drills and competitions.

We don't just tell stories. We ARE stories.
Often, counseling settles for external change in behavior. And while this is good and helpful, it does not enter the categories of the heart into which Jesus ultimately seeks to bring freedom. We don't settle. We hold out hope for true life-change that comes from heart-change. Our aim is to help you investigate the stories of your life, to see where you have been marred and wounded, and then to take up the pen to re-story your future in new, transformative and adventurous ways.