ReStory Counseling

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The Shining Face of Delight: An Exploration in the Power of Beholding

In our lives, some moments leave an indelible mark on our hearts, forever etched in the tapestry of our memories. Some of these moments are weddings, where two souls intertwine in a celebration of love and commitment. For many of us, as we journey through life, opportunities to witness such weddings become rare. However, this past year brought with it two precious invitations, whisking us away from the lull of our everyday routine.

As we arrived at these weddings, a wave of nostalgia washed over us. It had been over a decade since we had experienced the joy and anticipation that accompanies these joyous celebrations. But oh, how we had almost forgotten the magic! Millennial weddings, as we discovered, have evolved into a whole new ball game. For both weddings, we strategically positioned ourselves to behold the heartwarming moment when the groom's eyes would light up upon seeing his bride walking down the aisle.

The emotions that enveloped those moments were overwhelming. The tears welling up in the eyes of the grooms, their struggle to maintain composure as they beheld the beauty before them — it all resonated deeply within us. Witnessing such deep and raw expressions of love reaffirmed the power of those moments.

One of the weddings I officiated allowed me to stand beside the groom as his bride descended the stairs, her face radiant with joy. While I couldn't see his face, I could glimpse the awe and delight in hers. It was as if her entire being emanated a glow, signaling her arrival and overwhelming delight. As she descended and locked eyes with her beloved, their communication transcended words. It was an intricate dance of love and delight.

This image of delight resonates deeply within us all. We can envision it effortlessly as if it's ingrained in our very beings. The sheer essence of pure, unadulterated delight is what we will explore in this blog post.

Throughout this series on the Numbers 6 Aaronic Blessing, we have delved into the facets of the face of God. We have discussed how He keeps us and the peace that surges within us when we allow His presence to dwell in our lives. Today, we shall delve into the phrase "The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you."

Imagine the moment when God's face turns towards us with radiant delight. The impact of this divine favor cannot be understated. It is like a father's overwhelming joy as he embraces his prodigal son, extending immediate grace and offering vibrant celebration. Such graciousness embodies the essence of delight and love.

In our deepest psychological and emotional yearnings, we crave this kind of beholding. It is a longing to be seen and known, for someone to gaze upon us with radiant delight. This longing acknowledges our inherent design. We were created to be beheld and cherished. And it is heartening to know that God offers us this very gift.

As we consider the psychological and counseling aspects of our lives, we realize that our trauma, loneliness, depression, and anxieties often stem from a lack of a shining face turned toward us. When a face illuminated by delight and love is absent, we resort to defensive mechanisms and self-protection. But the moment that a shining face begets our existence, a transformative shift occurs. Suddenly, the need to fight and defend dissipates. We find solace and comfort in the radiant gaze of pure delight.

The beauty of delving into the ancient wisdom of the scriptures is discovering the correlation with modern-day psychological theories and experiments. Our brains are molded and developed when we experience the transformative power of beholding. The shining face of God reflects the glory which we, as individuals, reflect to one another. It is a theme that resounds throughout scripture, from Moses' shining face after encountering God on Mount Sinai to Paul's exhortation for us to reflect the glory of God with unveiled faces.

Our minds and souls yearn for moments when pain, sorrow, and sin are no longer part of our existence. We long for the coming kingdom, where our faces will radiate with the purest joy. In that divine realm, pain, and tears will be eradicated, unveiling the true beauty that lies within us all.

It is within this context that we can truly contemplate what it means to have God's shining face turn towards us. The image of the prodigal son, returning home to a father overflowing with delight, springs to mind. This is the epitome of graciousness, where joy and celebration embrace our every being.

Let us take a moment to imagine the face of God, His shining delight reflecting upon us. Let us also consider where we can find such faces around us. And if we are unable to, let us pray and seek out those who can offer us glimpses of God's radiant delight. For in beholding such faces, all aspects of our lives become imbued with a touch of the divine.

In conclusion, let us dwell on the timeless blessing: "The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace." May this blessing become a tangible reality in our lives, as we embrace the power of beholding and allow our faces to shine forth with delight.

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